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Happy New Year 2014 !

PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 16:58
by Etienne
Game Seed wishes all the F-Jet Pilots a very happy new Year 2014 !

We hope this year will bring you health, happyness, money, and all the games and updates you expect :mrgreen:


Re: Happy New Year 2014 !

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 15:08
by IceMan
Happy New Year 2015 now! It's been a while since any news :-p

Re: Happy New Year 2014 !

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 22:25
by Etienne
Happy new year 2015 !

Indeed it's been a while :mrgreen: .

We're still working on other racing categories (GT, Karting, Rallye, etc).
I've begun the development of a new tire model. It's very promising, it has improved car stability and smoothess. It's also more realistic, and power steering are much easier to contol.
But it takes a lot of time to finalize, as all car settings and A.I. need to be retunned.
We're still officially focusing on motion simulators, but we've also begun to work on something else, which we have to keep secret :mrgreen:

Re: Happy New Year 2014 !

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 18:09
by IceMan
You guys should do a proper rally racing game, could be interesting.

Or, couldn't you do a multi-vehicle engine like rFactor, with all the various categories you've worked on?

Re: Happy New Year 2014 !

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 16:37
by Etienne
We've begun to work on a lot of other categories already, with the aim of creating a multi-category and open simulation/racing game.
But there is already a bunch of very good racing games/simulation out there so the level is very high.
If ever we sell a game like that to end user, we'd need to be technically at the same level or better than the others...
And if we can achieve that, then I think we could make the difference with our suite of integrated tools that will be a dream for modders.
But that's a lot of work, and we also need to keep focus on our strongest game which is still NSR at the moment...